A little information about neoprene shoes and socks. The following issue has been ignored until now. However, we would like to give our opinion regarding high, fixed-fitting shoes. We believe they are a potential safety hazard on the river.

The risk of getting stuck in a boat or between rocks and branches particularly with laced or zippered shoes is often ignored.
Warmth95 % of all foot fractures result from cold feet.
How many bruises, marks or swellings due to jumping from rock to rock could be prevented with warm feet? The combination of neoprene socks with your paddle footwear could reduce these types of injuries.
HygieneHigh-cut neoprene shoes dry very slowly, particularly when used by commercial rafting and rental companies, and private use is no exception. Wet shoes, especially worn by different people, increase the risk of infection through countless germ and fungus species, as well as creating bad odor. Our success conceptFlexible low cut neoprene shoes with interchangeable neoprene socks . The flexible shoes can be removed without risk in any situation.
Warmth Even after removing the shoes, feet remain warm thanks to the neoprene socks. HygieneLow cut neoprene shoes and socks are easy to wash and are fast drying.

Spreu BootySpreu Neopren Schuh
Our 4 mm thick neoprene slipper is fitted with a velcro strap for a variable hold. Rubber heel and toe caps protect against abrasion. The shoe is 4,5" high, covering the ankle.

Sizes: 37/38, 39, 40/41, 42, 43/44, 45/46, 47/48, 49/50
Price: pls. ask!

Neopren Socken
Spreu SoxOur 3 mm double-sided nylon neoprene socks provide warmth and are easy to slip into sandals or our Spreu Booties.

Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL
Price: pls. ask!